Thursday, July 10, 2008

Upper Endoscopy For Bubba :(

Hey family. We went to the Doctors today, and I wanted to post this to update everyone.

Because Kaid was tested for Celiac Disease, they need to preform an Upper Endoscopy, to make
100% sure from the Biaopsy results.  I am kind of freaked out.. but not really. His Dr, that we met today is Amazing. So nice, and informative.  I just feel bad for kaid, in his short little life, this will be his 2nd hospital stay.  I am blessed though that we found this Special doctor, that can really
begin I feel to help kaid, though it's for his GI/ this I feel is a large part of kaid's mood.  His procedure is on the 24th, I will be updating with pictures, Not of the procedure, of course, but of his little stay.  Keep him and us in your prayers, nothing major at all, with this procedure but with this biopsy the will be screening for other diseases as well.  Here's a little pic, of the procedure, and how far they have to go down his little throat.   
Love to you all. I posted this on my blog as well.. but wanted to post on the Family wall.. as well..

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I just ran across this again tonight..I just think its too cute and had to share!


Monday, July 7, 2008

About Time?!

Yep...I caved in and created a profile we can now commiserate with mom's leg and laugh at all the crazies that I find online! Here's the two pictures I put on...

Friday, July 4, 2008

Mom's Physical Therapy Day! You Go Girl!

Well.. Kaid and I went to the Hospital  to visit with mom. She is doing SO great.  

Her knee is a pretty stiff, as it's been like that for so long, so they said she needs to train it to 
move right.  In this video we had just walked down her little hall at the hospital, and her
therapist, said " OK, Barbara, I will see you in the Gym in when you walk back this way"  Mom said.. " Oh no, work.."  I think that she is doing amazing, her spirits are up, and she
is always happy.  Mom's having a hard time sleeping, and last night was hard, as she woke
up in some pain.  She's on a pain schedule now to regulate her meds, so the pain does not
get too high.  I am just So proud of her.  
When I came in, she was sleeping, but soon she wanted to get up and go to the Ladies bathroom.
She then walked over with her walker, and got her clothes out and put them on. ( Just a little help from me, but she did 99% all her self!)
Wanted to share this clip with you all... she's doing Great! She comes home
Tomorrow... She got her Very own WALKER today!
Kim.. Yes we should have gotten the walker at the Garage sale in UTAH.. lol.

Happy 4th of July!

While we are at home with the kids asleep, I hope everyone is having a fun party! Bella got a kick out of this giraffe bum, so I thought I would make her giggle by making it a 4th of July Giraffe :) I wish we were all celebrating together!!


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

New Knee For Mom!!!

She was So content! Every time the CNA's came in, she said.. " Iam Fine"
Mom, thinking she needed to put makup on. She is Beautiful With out!
The Knee! She has a Air compresser, on the bottom, the white.. to help with the blood clots. Mom you are a trooper!
Kaid's Favorite thing about Gram's room.. The TV moved to his eye Level!

I called mom and dad this morning, around 9:30am, I thought that mom was in
surgury already, as it was to be at 9am, but I talked with her, she said that she
was feeling a little funny from the pills they gave her. I wished her well.. and told her
I would see them in a little bit.
The Surgery was at Southwest Wa. Medical Center. It was AMAZING! How beautiful the
hospital was, mom's room was So nice as well.
When kaid and I walked in, mom was sitting up, and doing great. I asked mom
if she minded if I snapped some photo's, she said that's fine if I handed her bag, so she could
apply some makeup. Mom you are beautiful wearing no makeup!!
It was Really sweet as well, Kaid was not knowing what to think of Gama, in the hospital bed. He came up to her, and kissed her hand, looking back with this " What's going on mom look".

Well, thanks Kristen for putting this blog together, I wanted everyone to know that mom
is doing great. I think that she is going to have a not so fun day tomorrow in Rehab, but
At least they will get her up and walking. Congrats mom!! We love you!!

a blog nut!

Yes, I am a blog nut, but I figured this would be another great way to all keep in touch, share pictures, funny stories, opinions, family updates, whatever! And at the end of the year, we can print our blog and each have a copy for our families, which I am really exited about! So I hope that everyone is able to participate and have fun! I have sent everyone an email detailing the username and password, so you can log in at anytime and post whatever your little heart desires...the funnier the better :) To start off, our wonderful, loved mother is having surgery tommorow.....we all are thinking about you mom and sending our love your way!
I know you will be a new and improved woman.

No more of this....

and on to this!!

I love you all, lets all join in the party and get this Hatch blog Rollin'!!

Happy blogging everyone!