Friday, July 4, 2008

Mom's Physical Therapy Day! You Go Girl!

Well.. Kaid and I went to the Hospital  to visit with mom. She is doing SO great.  

Her knee is a pretty stiff, as it's been like that for so long, so they said she needs to train it to 
move right.  In this video we had just walked down her little hall at the hospital, and her
therapist, said " OK, Barbara, I will see you in the Gym in when you walk back this way"  Mom said.. " Oh no, work.."  I think that she is doing amazing, her spirits are up, and she
is always happy.  Mom's having a hard time sleeping, and last night was hard, as she woke
up in some pain.  She's on a pain schedule now to regulate her meds, so the pain does not
get too high.  I am just So proud of her.  
When I came in, she was sleeping, but soon she wanted to get up and go to the Ladies bathroom.
She then walked over with her walker, and got her clothes out and put them on. ( Just a little help from me, but she did 99% all her self!)
Wanted to share this clip with you all... she's doing Great! She comes home
Tomorrow... She got her Very own WALKER today!
Kim.. Yes we should have gotten the walker at the Garage sale in UTAH.. lol.